Friday, 18 May 2012

Seaside Theme

My local Thompsons Plant and Garden Centre have got some great inspirational planting ideas going on at the moment.
 This is their 'Seaside Themed' display area.
Watch that seagull, he's got his eyes on your fish and chips!
Lots of drought tolerant plants. I particularly love the magenta-pink ornamental thistle on the left which the bees were loving too.
There was even a recording of the sound of the sea.
If the sun comes out I'm going to make a picnic, set up my deck chair and watch the next show!


  1. What a fun theme!! Love the bunting flag, and the show box!! Hope the sun comes out for you!! xo Heather

  2. Such a fun display!! I love that they play ocean sounds!!


  3. Hello sweet Jacuqi, I love the garden center's Seaside theme! They did a beautiful job with the display! I think the recording of the sounds of the sea was very clever. I am sure it is relaxing too. I hope the sun comes out dearest! Thank you so much for your lovely visit and sweet words! I think you would love the almond butter and cashew butter too. I also use pecan butter and walnut butter. The brand I prefer is Artisana. I included a link if you would like to see what it looks like. I am not sure if the UK carries this brand, but it is all organic, raw, vegan and kosher. I also use their coconut butter and coconut oil. Love it all!

    Thank you for your kind words about my cardiac rehab. I have completed it. Yay! I enjoyed it so much. I am very thankful I went for all of those months, as I am now comfortable exercising at home and feel it benefited me a great deal. I met so many lovely people too. One of the doctors was 91 years old! This gentlemen was one of the most inspiring people I have met. He was sharp as a tack! He loved to read and do crossword puzzles and when he and I were there at the same time he would always exercise with me on the rowing machine. There were two side by side, and it is a bit difficult and painful at first, because you have to pull and that is hard on the breastbone from having open-heart surgery. Mind you, it was several months before they introduced it into my program, but it was always nice to 'row' with a buddy, and this delightful man would row along side me for 8 minuets! He shared some of his life with me and he was really quite amazing! Sadly, I rarely meet people that age, much less be able to visit with them. What history the older folks have! Well, dearest, I did not mean to keep you too long. I hope you are having a lovely, and sunny weekend. Are you out and about today? We are at home and I plan to do a little re-decoraing and some sewing. Much love, Paula xoxo

    1. Glad to hear your cardiac rehab went well. Your rowing buddy sounds great. I visited the allotment yesterday and have been in the garden this morning potting up herbs (fennel and coriander) to sell for my daughter's charity fundraising. It's been dry here today and we have sun forecast for the coming week which I'm really looking forward to. Hoping to pop to a boot sale tomorrow morning. Thanks for asking after my Dad in an earlier post. He is improving so much and getting out and about a lot more now, not in too much pain as long as he doesn't over do it. I need to do paperwork but I think instead I shall start making some bunting for my sister whose birthday is next week. Happy sewing and re-decorating. I love the pretty curtains in your last post - did you make them?

  4. So beautiful and inspiring! I love a bit of the seaside <3 - Becky Xx

  5. Those are cute shorebirds. No kidding , they will snatch your fish and chips right out of your hand. Years ago when I lived in Seattle, I went with friends to Ivars. We ordered our fish and chips and sat out on the pier to eat. The gulls knew where the good food was, and they just kept swooping down, trying to catch a bite to eat right off the table. It's an experience. :-)
