Sunday, 18 March 2012

This week on the Allotment

I had a productive day at the allotment on Thursday.
I arrived shrouded in fog but this soon lifted and the sun broke through and warmed me up. 

I planted a couple of rows of 'First Early' potatoes Pentland Javelin & Swift (6" deep, 12" apart) and earthed them up 4-6".
The gap in the row is where I have a large comfrey plant whose roots are so deep I've decided to leave it.
 I began planting my strawberry plants in the raised bed  I had prepared with a mulch sheet last week. It was a bit fiddly cutting the sheet and planting the strawberries but hopefully it'll save time in the long run not having to weed. 

I also planted my redcurrant & blackcurrant fruit bushes.
I was given some leek seedlings which had self seeded on a fellow plot holders site. I soaked them in water before planting.
I placed the leeks in holes 6" deep, 12" apart and then filled each hole with water. Once the water had drained I replaced the soil to help blanch the stems. 
I temporarily uncovered my Broad beans which appear to be growing well.
The leaves of my Rhubarb are starting to unfurl. 
I can't wait to start picking it! 

 At home I've placed my dahlia tubers in trays of damp compost in the porch to start them into growth & hopefully get some cuttings. These are the open flowered dahlias preferred by the bees.
Pompom dahlias, mixed colours 
 Cactus dahlia 'Pink Princess'
 Lay the tubers on a tray of damp compost
 Cover the tubers with compost leaving the main stems exposed and place in a light, frost free place like a porch or shed.
The garlic bulbs I planted only last week are already starting to grow. Once these have put on a little more growth I shall plant them at the allotment.
The birds have been busy in the garden collecting nesting material. This is last years nest that I removed from the nesting box in the New Year when I cleaned it out (now in the compost heap). I'm always amazed by the beautiful layers of material they use. We have a pair of Great Tits making a nest in our box at the moment and I think we may have a Robin nesting in the bush.
Hope everyone has a lovely sunny week ahead.


  1. Goodness you have been a busy bee! How lovely to have all those vegetables and flowers to look forward to. I'm very tempted to try some Dahlias in pots, but haven't got anywhere to start them off, do you think a cold frame in a very sheltered courtyard would be okay?
    Looking forward to see everything spring into life!

  2. If you have room on a windowsill indoors you could start them in pots then move them to the cold frame to harden them off before moving them to larger pots in your courtyard after the frosts. If not I would leave it a few more weeks and then start them in the coldframe in April. Maybe you could lay bubblewrap on the ground under the pots and cover the frame with an old blanket at night to give them some added protection from frost. I've also grown them from seed in the past and had good results.

    1. Thanks so much for the advice, think I'll leave it for a few more weeks and try them in the coldframe.....or perhaps I'll look for some seed......hmmm decisions, decisions???

  3. Hello, thank you for following my blog. I love your blog background and header, very clever. Happy gardening and enjoy the Spring sunshine.

    1. I wish I could take credit for it but that needs to go to my daughter who helped me. As part of my Mother's day present I'm having a course from her on design and editing. I'm particularly looking forward to editing pictures on picnik which I've been wanting to learn to do for ages.
